
Published on: October 10, 2023
Last Updated on February 12, 2024

What is Eriacta?

When a man is not able to achieve and sustain an erection, he goes through impotence problems. Not getting an erect penis during sexual activity makes men impotent. Men get depressed when they cannot attain and sustain a firm erection at the time of sexual intimacy. When men feel difficulty in achieving and keeping an erection, they are not able to satisfy their female partners.

Owing to decreased blood flow in the penis, it would be difficult for a penis to get sufficient erections. Decreased blood flow can be due to certain medical conditions or physical injuries. Depression, stress, or anxiety can also prevent blood from flowing through the penile area. When there is no sufficient blood supply in the sex organ, erection fails to occur.

When you go through erection problems often, get in touch with your medical provider. After assessing your health, your medical provider will tell you to take Eriacta. It is a potent impotence medication that unclogs penile muscles and penile blood vessels. When the penile muscles and blood vessels are unclogged, blood starts to circulate throughout the sex organ. Adequate blood circulation in the penile area will help men attain and sustain an erection.


The manufacturer of Eriacta is Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. It is one of the well-known pharmaceutical companies in India that sells top-quality drugs to users. You can obtain a wide variety of medicines, including impotence drugs from this manufacturing company. Be rest assured of using safe drugs from this pharmaceutical company.

How Do Eriacta Tablets Work?

Men who suffer from chronic impotence issues are advised to take Eriacta. This is a strong erectile dysfunction medicine that treats erectile dysfunction problems. This medicine is also popularly known as a blue pill. Sildenafil is an active component that improves blood supply in and around the penile area. The active ingredient unwinds the blood vessels of the genital organ. This active ingredient also relaxes penile muscles and tissues. As a result, the relaxed penile muscles and tissues help increase blood supply throughout the sex organ. When the sex organ fills with blood, your penis will get an erection instantly. You should take this ED drug as per the instructions of your medical provider. Taking the ED drug properly will help men attain and sustain a harder erection.

What is Eriacta Used For?

Eriacta is primarily used for treating impotence problems in men. When a man fails to attain and maintain a stiff erection during sexual activity, he cannot indulge in sex. This impotence medicine is designed to help men get quick recovery from impotence problems. When you have this impotence medication daily, you will get relief from chronic erection problems. Sildenafil is the prime compound of the Eriacta drug which improves the circulation of blood in and around the genital organ. You will get an erection during lovemaking sessions when you take this impotence drug once a day. Taking this medication at a specified time is extremely necessary to make the drug work.

How To Use Eriacta?

Swallow a pill of Eriacta with a glass full of water. Instead of squashing or chewing a pill, you should gulp down an entire pill with water. You are allowed to take the ED drug on an empty stomach or with food. Make sure to ingest the impotence medication once a day and at a specified time. You can ingest a pill of this brand one to four hours before making love. When you have this impotence drug at a fixed time, it helps increase the efficacy of the medicine.

Various dosages of Eriacta can be accessed from online and local drugstores. Your healthcare physician will assess your health to know which dose will be suitable for your health. If you have not taken a missed pill, make sure to take the missed dose when you recollect next. Take the missed dose before your next dose begins. If you have ingested an additional pill, you need to inform your healthcare provider. Overdosing on a pill can affect your health.

How To Get an Eriacta Tablet?

Getting an Eriacta drug is quite comfortable for ED male patients. You can purchase this impotence medication from a recognized well-known pharmacy. In the present times, there are countless men who purchase various ED medicines from online pharmacies with ease. You can also buy various other medications from online drugstores.

All you need to do is to order the impotence pills right from online drugstores. When you order your drugs online, you can expect to get the ordered drugs right at your doorstep. You can expect to get your desired ED drug from an eminent online drugstore. Expect to get high-quality impotence drugs at affordable prices. Get the best quality impotence drugs at your mentioned destination in a few minutes.

Side Effects

Some common side effects of Eriacta are nosebleed, headache, difficulty in sleeping, indigestion, dizziness, diarrhea, or cloudy urine. Other side effects include burning and tingling in the feet, light sensitivity, visual problems, ringing in the ears, painful urination, or deafness.

Warnings and Precautions


* Alcohol consumption is not permitted to impotent male patients which can be harmful for ED men’s health.

* Driving after ingesting this impotence medicine can make men suffer from blurred vision.

* Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding their babies are not advised to consume this impotence drug.

* Teenagers who are under 18 years of age are not advised to consume this ED drug.

* If your erection lasts for more than four hours, contact your medical provider immediately.


* If you suffer from cardiac issues, let your doctor know about it.

* If you suffer from priapism or any other health issues, notify your medical provider.

* If you suffer from kidney or heart problems, taking this medication can be difficult for you.

* If you get allergies after taking this impotence medication, stop using this medicine.

* If you take drugs which have nitrates while taking Eriacta, you need not take this impotence drug.

Storage Method

Store Eriacta pills in a safe and cool zone. It is necessary to keep the ED drug in a dark and dry place. Keep the medicine away from sunlight and teenagers.