Kidney Stones

For every person his or her kidneys are vital. Kidneys perform critical functions for the body. It ensures the overall body’s stress health and provides a multitude of benefits. However, there are circumstances where its health may be compromised.

There are multiple reasons, which can affect the health of the kidney. Moreover, it can cause someone to suffer from conditions like kidney stones.

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are hard elements, which are found inside the kidney. It may develop because of various reasons.

These are concentrated uric acid and other minerals, which are found in our urine. Sometimes these minerals and acids can combine to form hard substances inside the kidney. These are kidney stones and treating them is difficult.

However, a person does not have to worry much about kidney stones. If someone identifies it in its early stages, it is not dangerous for your body and health at large.

Kidney stones are usually not that big. However if not treated early it can swell up. Identifying kidney stones at the earliest is the best chance a person gets to alleviate it.

It is possible to pass kidney stones through urine as well. This happens because most such kidney stones are smaller in size and can easily pass into your bladder. This helps the kidney to avoid major health issues ahead.

What are the major symptoms of kidney stones?

Kidney stones rarely happen in persons for varied reasons. However, identifying its formation inside the kidney is difficult. This is because it barely shows any major side effects or symptoms.

Until and unless the stone enters through the ureter, one is unlikely to notice any visible symptoms. Some of the common symptoms that still may arise because of kidney stones are-

Pain near the kidneys-

This is probably the most common symptom a person may face who has developed kidney stones.

Painful urination-

Kidney stones when they pass through the urinary tract can cause immense pain to a person.

Increased urge for urination-

People who might have kidney stones are most likely to urinate more than usual.

Besides these major symptoms, a person can also develop a fever. A person, suffering from prolonged fever and facing such symptoms has a high chance of having kidney stones.

What is the method to diagnose kidney stones?

It is really hard to notice kidney stones inside the body. Kidney stones, which are not big, usually are harmless and that is why identifying them becomes hard.

In most cases, routine medical checkups are the primary reason why a person is diagnosed with kidney stones. Hence, one can say X-rays are one of the best means to diagnose kidney stones.

To get a proper overview of the expanse of the kidney stones it is always better to undergo a diagnosis like a CT scan or an ultra-sonogram.

Such methods of diagnosis can provide detailed and intricate data about the illness. This definitely can provide better reports to the doctor for evaluation and therapy.

People suffering from terrible pain near the kidney region must consult a doctor at the earliest. Advanced methods of diagnosis can help to have a better grasp of such issues. In addition, if you face bleeding from your urinary tract during urination there is a chance that you may have kidney stones inside your body.

Treatments for kidney stones

Dealing with kidney stones is not that hard especially when it is in its nascent stages. However, with time it only will get harder and more complex to treat it properly.

There are different means available to a person to treat kidney stones effectively. These therapies may include surgical measures with the usage of advanced technologies.

Besides this, there are basic lifestyle adoptions that are person should take to deal with the nascent stages of kidney stones naturally.

Natural treatment for kidney stones-

Drinking plenty of water-

Kidney stones are not very complex in their nascent stages. It is nothing but a bond of calcium compounds. A person who actually can drink an adequate amount of water regularly can deal with kidney stones.

It will increase the chances of the breaking of the calcium bond and facilitate its excretion from the body through urine.

Basil leaves-

Basil leaves do have properties to break down stones inside the kidney. Doing so facilitates a healthier kidney and prevents the further development of smaller kidney stones into large ones.

Pomegranate and lime juice-

Both pomegranate and lemon are good for your health. They also contain essential vitamins, which can help in dissolving smaller kidney stones.

Effective change in diet-

A long-term change in diet can help in treating kidney stones as well a person should it more roots and healthy vegetables, which can dissolve kidney stones. In addition, they are great preventive measures for a person who runs the words of developing such things inside their kidneys.

Procedural treatment for kidney stones-

Through ureteroscopy-

This is one of the most common forms of procedural methods to treat kidney stones. In this process, a small camera is inserted inside the bladder. The camera assesses the dimensions of the stone and helps a surgeon in doing his job.

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy-

Commonly referred to as the ‘ESWL therapy’, this treatment involves the usage of shockwaves to break down the stones inside the kidneys.

A person is first laid on his or her back, and a water cushion is placed over the kidney region. After this, a beam of localised ultrasound is aimed over the region to break the kidney stones present inside.

The procedure also involves the usage of a small basket-like tool that can help in collecting the stone and removing it.

Laser lithotripsy-

This is seen as a modern approach to breaking kidney stones and treating them properly. In this procedure, a laser fibre is inserted inside a person’s ureter. This laser fibre then uses an advanced laser to break the kidney stones and provide relief from them.