Interstitial Cystitis
Some people experience pain in the pelvic area, lower abdomen, lower back, or urethra. The same health condition can affect women by making them experience pain in the vagina or vulva.
In the case of men, the pain is experienced in the region behind the scrotum and the penis. This health issue can make a person get the urge to urinate more than seven times. A dull ache in the lower tummy can also be experienced by some men and women.
Some people with interstitial cystitis also experience a burning sensation at the time of peeing. If the symptoms do not improve in a few days, go to visit your doctor to get the disease treated. Your medical provider will try to improve the health problem with the help of medicines. Using the drug properly can reduce the painful sensations in the bladder.
A person will not feel pain or pressure again in the bladder once the medicine starts its action. The interstitial cystitis issue will not bother patients again when the compound of the medicine starts to act in a person’s body.
Have You An Idea About Interstitial Cystitis?
The other name of painful bladder syndrome is interstitial cystitis. This health condition can make a person suffer from severe or mild discomfort and pain in the pelvic region and bladder.
The precise cause of this health issue is not yet known to many healthcare physicians. Many healthcare providers believe that the signals that are received from your brain to your bladder mix up. As a result, people may feel the urge to urinate often.
When they pee, urine comes out little. Some healthcare physicians believe that fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome can also be connected to interstitial cystitis. It is believed that women who are above 30 years of age experience are at a high risk of interstitial cystitis.
A wide range of symptoms can take place in interstitial cystitis patients. From experiencing frequent urination to painful sex, people can come up with several signs. You will come to know you have interstitial cystitis which makes a person have frequent bathroom trips. Whenever a person pees, he or she will feel extreme pain while urinating.
Some people who go for more than 40 times a day go through severe interstitial cystitis. Many people cannot get restful sleep at night because of the high number of times of urination.
Is Interstitial Cystitis Critical?
Interstitial cystitis is a tricky health problem that can be difficult to diagnose for healthcare providers. Unfortunately, there is no permanent treatment for this disease. Medications can make a person’s life better if the medications are taken as a doctor directs a patient.
Some people experience pain during urination which lasts for more than seven weeks. In such a situation, a patient needs to know that he is fighting with interstitial cystitis.
Some patients may confuse this urinary bladder pain with kidney stones or an infection in the urinary tract. The pain during urination may seem to be like the pain of kidney stones. It is best to get the pain diagnosed to know the exact cause of the pain at the time of urination.
Men or women who go through interstitial cystitis can live a better life with the help of treatments and medications. It is necessary to keep in mind that the health issue can hurt sleep, social life, or exercise. You will not be able to lead a normal social life or you will have disturbances in sleep when a person goes through Interstitial cystitis.
Which People Are Likely To Suffer From Interstitial Cystitis?
Women who have periods or men who experience extreme stress can be more prone to Interstitial Cystitis. Women are the higher sufferers of interstitial cystitis as compared to men. People who are the age of 40 are at a greater risk of interstitial cystitis. As a person gets older, the risk of getting interstitial cystitis becomes higher in men and women.
Healthcare physicians cannot tell why interstitial cystitis happens to men and women. It is believed that your bladder gets irritated when a problem with a tissue in the bladder interferes with your pee. If you have a nerve issue, it can make your bladder painful. If there is an inflammation in the bladder, interstitial cystitis may take place. If the bladder is inflamed, you will have a problem during urination. If your immune system interferes with the bladder, you may likely suffer from extreme levels of bladder pain.
Which Tests Can Detect Interstitial Cystitis?
An ultrasound is also used to analyze the amount of urine which is there in the bladder.
Medical professionals suggest patients with IC to opt for Cystoscopy. In this test, a thin tube along with a camera is inserted in the urethra and bladder to see the condition. The test can detect if there is blood present in your urine.
Your doctor may tell men to do prostate fluid culture which your medical provider will put a strain on your prostate. The milk of the prostate will be sent for a test. This is a rare test which is done on patients with severe IC.
In urinalysis, a patient will be asked to urinate in a cup which will be sent for a laboratory test.
In urethra and bladder biopsy, a healthcare physician will take a small portion of tissue from the urethra and bladder which are sent for a laboratory test.
Home Remedies For Interstitial Cystitis
To ease symptoms of interstitial cystitis, medical providers suggest men and women opt for lifestyle modifications.
* It is believed that stress can be a trigger to interstitial cystitis. Keep your mind relaxed with relaxation techniques by reading a book, practicing yoga, or listening to soothing music.
* Do not eat such foods or have beverages that trigger interstitial cystitis.
* Stretching or walking for a few minutes daily in the morning or evening can keep bladder pain at bay.
* Wearing loose outfits will not put pressure on your tummy. As a result, your bladder will not be affected.
* Men who have a habit of smoking need to stop it to keep the bladder pain away.