Viagra Super Force

Published on: October 10, 2023
Last Updated on September 26, 2024

What Is Viagra Super Force?

  • Viagra Super Force is a unique medicine that entirely gives the sensation of sexual pleasure.
  • Even though it is possible for males to be suffering from two different sexual disorders erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation it is possible to find a cure using the Viagra Super Force medicines now.
  • Super Force Viagra medicines are ideally suitable for any male having both these disorders. Using the medicine will require a prescription from the doctor to buy it either online or offline.
  • The generic ingredients that are contained in the medicine include both Sildenafil and Dapoxetine each of which can cure ED and premature ejaculation issues respectively.

Mechanism Of Action

Viagra Super Force and its content of Sildenafil is the one to relieve you with symptoms of ED by enacting its PDE-5 hormonal capabilities that make a rise in the amounts of the cGMP hormone.

Eventually, the nitric oxide secretion makes blood flowing through the penis tissues rise causing a sensitivity to increase similarly. it is thus that you can find a strong and hard erection to occur easily.

On the other hand, the actions of dapoxetine raise the amount of serotonin hormones in your brain which can make you feel you have better control over your ejaculating capabilities.

How To Take Viagra Super Force?

For taking in the drug you will have to resort to swallowing means of intake.  This means that the right way to administer the medicine will be through your mouth by swallowing an entire pill whole.

Dosage Of Viagra Super Force

  • Now so far you have only come to know about the two ingredients that are present in the Viagra Super Force pills. See, both Sildenafil and Dapoxetine which are the contents of the medicine have a fixed dosage amount.
  • The amount for Sildenafil which enables ED cure is fixed at 100mg. This is a moderately high dose of the generic element which can work for curing erection disabilities in most males until it is too severe.
  • Similarly, the amount of dapoxetine that the pills contain is fixed a 60 mg which is again a moderately high dose. Thus the total amount of dose combining both the substances comes to 160mg.

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How To Prolong Sexual Intercourse With Viagra Super Force?

  • Use of the viagra super force 100mg 60mg pills can easily help you to prolong your sexual intercourse abilities. See, the role of Sildenafil pills is only to get you to stay hard and achieve penile hardness.
  • usually, this component of the medicines does not dictate the terms on how long you can have sex.
  • But it is with Dapoxetine that you can prolong your sex much longer. Dapoxetine is the generic ingredient of the Viagra Super Force pills that helps the patient control their ejaculation.
  • The way that this medicinal substance will work is to control and increase the amount of serotonin hormone in your brain cells to help you feel more rejuvenated and feel the intensity of sex.
  • This way the patient can gain more control over their ejaculating capabilities increasing their sex time.

Side Effects Of Viagra Super Force

  • Usually, if the doctor’s recommended dose is taken and the guidelines are followed it is rare to have side effects.
  • Yes, some side effects may still occur but these are generally the more mild ones that occur as a part of your body’s adjustment to the dose.
  • On the other hand, the side effects may also occur due to an overdose but here they may be slightly severe.
  • On mild issues of side effects, the patients may suffer from headache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, palpitations flushing, dry mouth, and so on.
  • But it could get much worse than this usually some of the more severe side effects of the medicine include having severe chest pain, a drop in your blood pressure, priapism, a fall in libido and semen amounts, and vision blurring.

Warning And Precautions

  1. When using the Viagra Super Force 160 mg patients always have to be warned of a few things. Primarily they must avoid taking in an overdose. So do not consume more than a single medicine for a daily purpose use.
  2. Remember that an overdose could even occur if the amounts of Sildenafil and Dapoxetine inside the medicine are not safe for tolerable limits within your body.
  3. Ask your doctor whether it is safe to administer the dose amounts of Sildenafil and dapoxetine contained in the pills.
  4. When you are using the medicines it is not safe to use alcohol or even narcotic ingredients since these would increase the chances of having severe headache and drowsiness.
  5. Just after taking in your daily medicine, for a few days initially, some mild side effects like dizziness or headache could occur.
  6. You need to report these to the doctor but usually, there is not much to worry about as you can continue with your dose.
  7. But if the side effects begin occurring severely and more rapidly you need to avoid taking in further medicines and rather look to consult with the doctors on this.
  8. Remember that it is recommended not to drive immediately after taking the pills due to the risks of headache and drowsiness causing you an accident on the road.
  9. For those patients who have other existing disorders, the pill may not be that safe to use either.


For storing the medicines you need to have a few things clear in the back of your mind. You don’t want this medicine to be under the grasp of your children.

So it is highly important to keep your Viagra Super Force pills locked in any place.

As for the conditions of the storage place do not store your medicines in the bathroom or the kitchen as these are usually the most hot and humid conditions in your house and both of these are not suitable for storing the medicines.

You will need a place that has less direct sunlight coming in and ideally, the temperature must not exceed more than 30 degrees Celsius with as low humidity as possible.