• 100mg


Pack of 28 Sachet/s $ 30 ($1.07 / Unit) Add To Cart
Pack of 56 Sachet/s $ 55 ($0.98 / Unit) Add To Cart
Pack of 84 Sachet/s $ 80 ($0.95 / Unit) Add To Cart

Overview of Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Super P Force Oral Jelly, men can treat not one but two disorders related to sexual type.
  • Its approval for use in the patient is given by a doctor. It is not only this, doctors will also prescribe a safe dosage schedule and some precautions to help you sustain the safe effects only.
  • ED or erectile dysfunction and PE or premature ejaculation are the two disorders that you can find a cure for when you use the pills Super P force Oral Jelly.

What Is Super P Force Oral Jelly Tablet?

  • Super P Force Oral Jelly is the pill that is going to provide you with a simultaneous cure for both ED and PE disorders.
  • In case you do not have any idea about the disorders then the ED disorder will make you incapable of you to get or sustaining a hard erection whereas the disorder of PE will make you incapable of holding on to your ejaculation for a long time.
  • But it seems that men with these two disorders have an affordable right in front of them now and that is to take a jelly of Super P force Oral Jelly.


  • Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. is the manufacturing agent of the pills. Sunrise also has other brands in the ED space apart from the Super P Force brand.
  • The company is a well-reputed and trusted one having been in the Indian pharmaceutical industry space for more than several decades now.
  • The company has an extensive reach in the local markets across India and also worldwide. We also provide Kamagra Oral Jelly.


  • The composition of the pills of Super P Force Oral Jelly reveals the presence of not one but two combined generic ingredients that are in the right proportion.
  • Right now we will first check out the composite substances that are in the pills.
  • So for treating ED, you have generic Sildenafil as the substance which is a PDE-5 hormone inhibition member.
  • And then for treating ED you also have generic Dapoxetine is the ideal substance to bring in a treat from PE or premature ejaculation.

Working on Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • It begins its mode of work just by disseminating two ingredients that are Sildenafil and Dapoxetine in the blood.
  • As for Sildenafil, it will rely on its PDE-5 hormone inhibition effects to come to realize faster due to which cGMP hormone will begin its secretion.
  • And then you also have the nitric oxide to begin acting which will bring in dilation or improvised blood flow effects into the penis and it is with rising penis sensitivity that there is an occurrence of erectile dysfunction.
  • As with Dapoxetine, it can display its PE treating capabilities when there occurs a rise in the levels of serotonin hormone due to Dapoxetine not allowing all the serotonin hormone inside of the brain to be used up again.

How To Take Super P Force Oral Jelly Tablet?

  • Super P Force Oral Jelly as the name reveals is an oral jelly-type pill.
  • The actions of the pills will begin faster than anticipated and it does not take you as little more than a few minutes.

Precaution Taking Before Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • When you are using Super P Force Oral Jelly there are some precautions that you have to follow.
  • And just like any other pill it also has some ingredients that are not good for intake and comes with a high chance of side effect-forming capabilities.
  • So within this group, you can include some medicinal substances like cocaine and marijuana because this might help to formulate contraindications.
  • Doctors also do not recommend the use in case you have existing severe disorders of the heart, liver, and kidney. Also, the patient must speak up about any other physical or psychological disorder if present.

Benefits of Using Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Super P Force Oral Jelly is a medication that has a unique course of two generic substances, Sildenafil and Dapoxetine. These two substances are present in the right dose to generate an erectile dysfunction effect.
  • The prime benefit of using the Super P Force Oral Jelly is that it is easier to administer the pill where patients only need to chew the pills.
  • The other major reason why patients choose this brand name is that the pills have a low turnaround time to realize their actions of the pills.

Dosage Of Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Super P Force Oral Jelly comes with a 160mg total dose. Among this 160mg dose is 100mg of ED treating agent Sildenafil.
  • The rest of the amount of 60mg drug amount is for the substance Dapoxetine to help you bring about a cure for PE disorder.


  • If any of the substance and its corresponding dose is found to be present at an excessive level it may bring up the possibility of side effects.
  • Remember that the more the amount of overdose the more will be the chances of having critical side effects.

Miss Dose

  • When you miss out on a dose it may reduce its potent actions. You see the pills of Super P Force Oral Jelly are only meant to provide you with a temporary line of action and it is not that the pills can help you to cure ED completely.

Other Dose OF Super P Force Oral Jelly

Avoid To Take Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Having any disorder already present apart from the ED and PE disorders might not allow the doctors to recommend this dose to a patient.
  • They are also less likely to recommend a dose in case you are not able to suit any of the substances and their dose.

Side Effects of Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Chest pain
  • Fall in blood pressure
  • Lower libido
  • Priapism
  • Hazy vision
  • Fall of hearing capabilities

Storage of Super P Force Oral Jelly

  • The best storing conditions for the pills are in temperatures of less than 30 degrees Celsius. The humidity of the storage place need not be too much either.

Super P Force Oral Jelly Review

  • Patients seem to like the use of the pills a lot partly because it gives good efficacy against both disorders. The other reason is that the patients have been generally able to get a cure for both the ED and the PE disorders.


  • Super P Force Oral Jelly is a combination of two generic substances, Sildenafil and Dapoxetine. Both substances will work in tandem to give you the dual curable benefit.


Where can I buy it?

When it comes to buying patients may have different opinions. Some of you may prefer online buying while others may want to buy Pillsforcare.

What are the other doses?

Super P Force Oral Jelly 100mg has this single-dose course only. It does not have any other doses apart from its 160mg dose.

What is the generic substance of the Super P Force Oral Jelly?

Super P Force Oral Jelly has Sildenafil and Dapoxetine both present at the same time. Both are for providing different effects.

Is it safe to drive a car?

Driving a car is not safe. Sometimes headache and dizziness may give rise to side effects.

Can a missed dose bring about withdrawal symptoms?

There are no chances of withdrawal symptoms occurring with any of the substances used. This is one particular thing to note when using the pills.

Can the drug be used for curing ED  or PE completely?

None of the substances present in the pills can provide you with a permanent cure for any of the disorders. Both are present to provide temporary effects only.

Active Ingredient (Generic Name):



Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd


7 Sachets / Pack



Delivery Time:

6 To 15 days


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